
day 7: Iron Man

if you haven't seen it, see it! it's positively outstanding. and do you want to know why i decided to see this movie? i didn't know anything about the action hero iron man. and frankly i didn't really care about it. moreover plain and simple i've already seen everything else that's been playing in movie theatres and just took a chance. the cast also did it. i thought: "gwyneth paltrow, robert downey jr. and jeff bridges in an action movie? that's a first."
though i knew that robert downey jr. was a brilliant actor i didn't quite expect the movie to blow me away. and it really did. you just have to love the comic inserts brilliantly interpreted by iron man/tony stark. intelligently too if i may be so bold. still haven't bought a ticket? well what are you waiting for?? time's running out.

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